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How to optimise Chatbot credit usage?
Optimize your AI chatbot credit usage for better efficiency and cost management.

If you're looking to optimize your chatbot credit usage, here are some effective steps to consider:

1. Use Less Expensive Models

  • Opt for models that offer cost-effective solutions without significantly affecting performance. Follow our docs to know the pricing structure.

2. Add more Automated Responses

  • Automated responses do not consume AI credits. Adding your frequently asked questions (FAQs) to automated responses can help reduce AI credits usage.

3. Limit the Knowledge Base and Previous Messages

  • Restrict the information the bot accesses. This can help reduce overall credits costs.

Note: Lowering number too low can affect the quality of response

4. Keep the Bot Persona Short and Clear

  • Ensure that the bot's persona concise and clear and also direct the bot to keep responses concise and direct.

5. Set Conversation Limits

  • Limit the number of messages a user can send in a single session. This helps in managing resources and prevents security threats like DDoS attacks.

    To set the throttling limit, follow this guide on preventing abuse with throttling settings.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage your chatbot credits while still providing a functional service.

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